January 1, 2017

Key Lessons for 2017

Yeah Yeah… I’ve come again with writing articles only at the beginning of the year and disappearing afterwards. I can’t even promise it won’t happen again… Anyway, I thought I should share with you some things I learnt from 2016, which will put me in a better position in 2017.
    1.    A lot of bad things can happen in one year. I don’t know about you, but I knew several people that died in 2016, and others that struggled to live through the economic recession. Therefore, endeavor to be prepared…spiritually, financially, etc.
    2.     A  lot of good things can happen in one year. Several people completed academic programs, some got promoted in their jobs, others got new jobs and many got engaged and married. Therefore, don’t give up!
    3.    It’s always good to pause before reacting or responding to people’s bad behavior or negative comments. Most times, insults or arguments are not just worth it.
    4.   (Two) girls can actually live together in peace in one house contrary to the popular view that they will always fight. It’s all about showing respect for one another.
    5.    Being stubborn does not pay. At the end, na you go suffer am!
To conclude, God is still God in spite of everything happening so let’s continue to praise him (Psalm 117 is very easy to memorize)

I pray that 2017 will be a year of fulfillment and may God direct us in His ways. Amen. 

Happy New Year!!!

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