Hello All,
Thanks for visiting ForRealGood blog.
Sorry that I’m about to add another blog to your collection considering the
many blogs out there. Anyway, this one is for real...good, and it will
enlighten our minds. This post gives a summary about the blog and other
important information.
I realized that i have
an interest in understanding people's behaviour and its impact on decision
making, which also affects development. For the past two years, i noticed that
many people do not take seriously the good values we were once taught
in school or at home such as humility, self-control, kindness, etc. I believe
this is a key issue affecting development in many countries, and also prevents individuals from reaching their full
my opinion, the first step towards addressing this issue is to continuously
remind people about those good values and why it is important we uphold them.
This blog is a way of reaching out to the public by sharing articles that
discusses the issues i raised above.
hope to write frequently or feature other articles in line with the general
theme. Please feel free to leave comments. You can get latest updates about the
blog on twitter by following @kodili_ or subscribe by email at the right hand
side of the blog. I'll also make announcement on my timeline on Facebook.
forget, you can send in articles that are related to the general theme. I’d be
pleased to publish it.
read my first post below and tell me what you think. It’s always nice to get
feedback. Thank you for your patience and understanding :)
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